As you consider whether or not you want to support union representation, it is critical that you get information concerning what joining the union would mean for you and your family. You may choose to ask the union organizer some or all the questions below. We hope that the union will provide honest and accurate answers to your questions. We will continue to provide employees with facts, not promises.
This is your decision, and it affects your rights and your future — make sure you get the facts.
Why do I have to sign something to get information about your union?
How much does it cost to be represented by the union?
Will the union sign a written guarantee that it will get me more money and better benefits than what I have now?
How long does it take to negotiate the first contract?
Who decides how my dues are spent?
Isn't it true that, if voted in, the union only gets the right to ask the company to agree to do things, but the company is not required to agree to anything?
Who would our shop stewards be? Has the union promised them anything?
Can the union guarantee I won't lose anything I have now through collective bargaining?
Can the union guarantee if I join the union I will never have to go on strike? If there is a strike, will the union make up my lost wages? If not, how much would I get?